McCulloch Station Pub
East Kelowna
We are passionate about great food and wine venues. The following are the current selections of venues that will be delighted to welcome you and your guest to their estsablishment.
We will be adding more venues for you to choose from. Some participant restaurants will be on our VIP Card for a short time and they be added back when they want to come back. Please enjoy using your VIP Card. We hope you and your guest have a fantastic experience. Enjoy.
Some venues may require you to pre-book your reservation. Please foll out the following calendar. Pick your date and time. Then click on the 'Select Date' button. Fill this form out. Your membership number is on your PLC Card.
If you want too add any additional information to your request, please fill this in the light grey box and then click submit button.
Alternatively, should you not want to add any additional information, just click the 'Skip' button,
If you want your booking to be set in your personal calendar, just click the appropriate button. You should receive a SMS reminder one hour before yourbooking.